Fast-track delivery of 7 new units within an existing, busy retail area on the Isle of Sheppey.

Neats Court Phase 2C

Location: Isle of Sheppey

Client: LXB RP (Sheppey 2) Ltd

Value: £1.63m

The contract consisted of construction of new buildings across two blocks to accommodate seven further retail units within the existing out-of-town retail outlet on the Isle of Sheppey. The units were then let to major retailers and food outlets and new roads were formed to provide ‘drive-thru’ access for two of the units, as well as all ancillary external works, drainage and services.

Achieving a BREEAM rating of ‘Very Good’, the units were delivered within an expediated programme of 26 weeks facilitated through early stakeholder and supply chain engagement to ensure accuracy of programming and availability of resources. Built to a steel frame construction with curved roof design the project had to overcome many challenges, particularly working around the overhead power lines running through the construction site requiring close liaison with services provider to ensure we did not enter the power exclusion zones and ultimately necessitating a redesign of one of the buildings.

Working amidst an existing, bustling retail outlet considerate construction and careful coordination of our activities to ensure the safety of all those around us was essential at all times.
